Friday, June 29, 2007

Why not make it trilingual?

I said I'll make this blog trilingual just for fun but than I realized my parents cannot read English so will have to make it at least bilingual by necessity! So, to keep my promise here it comes in Romanian, the beautiful language of my ancestors:

Mai sunt exact 30 de zile pana la plecare si va puteti inchipui prin ce ape trecem cu pregatirile. In weekend-ul asta punem la vanzare masina. Sa speram ca o vom vinden nici prea repede dar nici prea tarziu. In rest tot impachetam si facem liste ca sa fim siguri ca nu uitam nimic... ieri de exemplu am inchis doua conturi unul dintre ele pentru electricitate. Incetul cu incetul speram sa le rezolvam pe toate.

La servici nu ma mai pot concentra de loc. Gandul imi e deja in Spania si visez cu ochii deschisi. Cand se opreste cineva pe la mine la birou sa-mi puna vreo intrebare trebuie sa fac un efort ca sa imi revin la realitate. Adevarul e ca e mult mai interesant sa te gandesti la viitoarea aventura decat la balata de conturi, nu!?! Normal!! In rest toate merg conform planului si imi voi termina proiectele inainte de plecare ca sa fac viata usoara persoanei care va veni sa ma inlocuiasca. Totul e bine cand se termina cu bine!

Ok, I did it! The blog it's now bilingual with potential to become trilingual when I'll feel more comfortable with Spanish. ¿Vale? ¡Vale!

edited: July 10, 2007. Gonzalo, thanks for the hint! Now I'm curious how to do the rest of the Spanish signs and accents!!


Gonzalo said...

Hahahahaha! Very nice idea, Carmen, but, remember: spanish has not only '?' but also '¿', so ¿Vale? ¡Vale!

But I don't know how are you going to write '¿' and '¡' with your english keyboard... Perhaps you can try these combinations:
[Alt]+168 for ¿
[Alt]+173 for ¡
In my pc they works...

Gonzalo Carriazo

Gonzalo said...

Don't worry with the other signs... except 'ñ', I think, because it is used in many useful words (there're some funny examples about the problems of using only 'n').

Usually there's no problem with accents in writen spanish... everybody would understand you even if you didn't use them (most people don't use accents when writing emails and sms). Of course it's better if you write well, mainly because the language is richer and more beautiful being able to use all their details. Anyway, general rules about accents are easy. There're more difficulties applying them with verb tenses... I must recognize I have a lot of mistakes with that... hahaha.

So, don't worry at all. In fact, they don't bother you when you speak, read, study...

¡Ánimo con el español! Lo único difícil son los verbos, de verdad... ¡ya verás! I'm sure I've more problems with gerunds and infinitives in english. As you can see, I always choose the wrong choice...


Carmen said...

¡No te preocupes, Gonzalo! Los errores no son importantes... poder comunicar con otra persona en otra idioma esta' lo mas importante. Yo puedo apreciar el esfuerzo que uno lo hace escribir/hablar un idioma extranjero! :) Los acentos y los gerundios son como sal y pimienta en la comida... lo mas importante es no morir de hambre jejeje...

Gonzalo said...

... NOW it's trilingual... wow