Monday, July 23, 2007

Attempting the impossible

Tomorrow is a big day as I will be attempting the impossible
... drum roll...
getting the passport done in one day!!

It has never been done before (by me) so, you can imagine how stressful this can be. Add to that the fact that we are leaving in less than 7 days! Yes, I love this last minute excitement, and NO, I'm no slacker... it wasn't my fault the paperwork wasn't finalized in time for the passport application. But, the good think is that it's ready now so... please keep your fingers crossed for this, never before seen attempt to obtain a passport in one day!

Stay tune until tomorrow when I'll reveal the results!


Gonzalo said...

Carmen Bauer's 7th season... "This is the longest day of my life..."


Gautam said...

Passport.. in 1 day... wow, this will be quite an achievement...

All the best... keeping my fingers crossed for u :)

This will be one experience worth sharing :)

Looking forward to your post... :)