Throughout the week one designated person records all natural "pearls" and funny comments we make during classes. At the end of the week, this person presents the best few which are rated by the whole class during a short 5 min. presentation on Friday afternoon. The comment which gets the most applauses and laughter, wins the COW! The person who wins the COW will present at the end of the next week. The trophy, a stuffs cow is handed over every week from proud IESE student to another!
So, this Friday we had our first COW presentation. There were four nominations, with two of them by the same student! I wonder if our class has broken a record with that!
First: in accounting, talking about inventories, our dear Argentinian colleague G tried to inquire about a particular situation in a "risky business". What we hear is "Would it be the same for a wisky business??"
Second: in marketing, professor asks N, what could he tell about the customer segmentation. N's reply: "Well we know that there are 80% women buying the product." Professor: "Great. What else." N: "Hmmm... and 20% men!"
Third: in marketing, S from India talking about cannibalization (this was my favorite). "If we pursue this strategy we will eat ourselves!"
...and the COW trophy went to... N our Portuguese friend, who made the following comment in ABP. Professor: "What should we be worried about?" N wanted to say - the plan change; We hear: "The planet change!"
Jajajajaja, me gusta más la vaquita de la sección C...
Hahaha... ya he visto la foto y es maravillosa! Me gusto mucho el comentario de Elena! Super!
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